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Vet Care Shows You Care

If you care for your pet, and we know you do, then it is important to also allow a veterinarian to care for them. Your vet is the one who can provide vaccines, check your pet for ongoing conditions like arthritis and parasitic infections, and recommend medications to treat fleas and ticks. Most vet are very familiar with treated dogs and cats, and many will also treat rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and other household pets. If you'd like to learn more about veterinary care, then plan on spending some time on this website. It's a good resource for any curious pet owner.



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Vet Care Shows You Care

Signs Your Pet Needs A Veterinarian Visit Between Checkups

by Elijah Romero

As a responsible pet owner, keeping a watchful eye on your pet's health is important. Checkups help catch problems early before they become serious. However, you may find times when your pet requires immediate veterinary care between those checkups. Here are some signs that signal your pet needs a special vet visit.

Changes in Eating Habits

A sudden change in your pet's eating habits can indicate something is wrong. If your pet is normally eager for food but suddenly won't eat and misses several meals, call a veterinarian. Changes in appetite can indicate a wide range of health issues. Dental problems, gastrointestinal issues, or organ failure can also cause your pet to lose their appetite. Some pets experience an occasional lack of appetite, but anything lasting a day or more is a sign of a problem.


Sluggishness and extreme tiredness are other signs of a potential health issue. If your pet is overly tired for a reason (like they have had an unusually active day), then it may be nothing to worry about. However, tiredness for no reason is a red flag. Lethargy is a common symptom of many health issues, including infections, anemia, or heart disease. If your pet sleeps more than usual or seems uninterested in their usual activities, schedule a vet visit.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

All pets will vomit or have diarrhea occasionally. Usually, it's a reaction to something they ate. Sometimes, it's a stress response. Your pet shouldn't be vomiting or having diarrhea regularly. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea can indicate a range of health issues. Common causes include gastrointestinal infections, allergies, or even poisoning. Provide your pet with plenty of water and check in with your veterinarian.

Breathing Difficulties

A change in breathing is almost always a sign of a health problem. If your pet has difficulty breathing or breathes rapidly, it could indicate respiratory distress. A variety of factors contribute to breathing problems. Asthma, heart disease, and lung infections can make breathing harder for your pet. They can also have an obstruction in their throat or bronchial tube. Contact your veterinarian right away if your pet is struggling to breathe.

Behavioral Changes

A sudden behavior change may indicate your pet has a health problem. For example, if you notice your pet begins scratching more, they may have a skin problem or parasite. If your pet seems touchy or aggressive, they may be experiencing discomfort or pain. Hiding is another sign your pet may have an unresolved medical issue.

As a pet owner, awareness of your pet's behavior and health is crucial to their well-being. Your pet depends on you to take care of their health. If they experience any of the symptoms listed above, seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

Reach out to a veterinarian for more information. 
