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Vet Care Shows You Care

If you care for your pet, and we know you do, then it is important to also allow a veterinarian to care for them. Your vet is the one who can provide vaccines, check your pet for ongoing conditions like arthritis and parasitic infections, and recommend medications to treat fleas and ticks. Most vet are very familiar with treated dogs and cats, and many will also treat rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and other household pets. If you'd like to learn more about veterinary care, then plan on spending some time on this website. It's a good resource for any curious pet owner.



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Vet Care Shows You Care

Reasons That Your Dog May Be In Shock

by Elijah Romero

As a dog owner, one of the most upsetting things that you can witness is your dog in shock. As upsetting as this sight can be, it is important for you to be swift in dealing with the problem. You will want to remain calm, place your dog securely in your vehicle, and visit a local animal hospital. Shock, which has symptoms such as rapid breathing, vomiting, and a weak pulse, indicates that your dog is in serious distress that may be life-threatening. Rapid veterinary intervention will be critical to increase your dog's probability of making a healthy recovery. Here are some reasons that your dog could be in shock.

Acute Trauma

Shock often occurs as a result of your dog suffering some type of acute trauma. A common example is an encounter with a motor vehicle, although an attack from another dog or perhaps even a wild animal can also lead to your pet experiencing shock. In some cases, the dog may be in shock after a traumatic incident that you've witnessed, but it's important to realize that the trauma could have occurred unbeknownst to you. For example, your dog could have gotten loose, been hit by a car, and then made its way back to your home.

Heat Exposure

Dogs can also experience shock as a result of too much exposure to the heat. This is something to watch for if you live in an area that gets very hot temperatures during the summer months. For example, if you accidentally left your dog outside and it didn't have a shady place to seek shelter, it could eventually go into shock. Or, if you were playing fetch with your dog on a very hot day, shock could potentially occur.

Allergic Reaction

It's also possible for a dog to go into shock as a result of a serious allergic reaction. Dogs can be allergic to all sorts of things. Like humans, they can sometimes experience mind allergic reactions as a result of exposure to certain allergens. A dog might sneeze, drool, or have watery eyes in a mild case, for example. If the dog had an encounter with something to which it's seriously allergic, shock can result. In such a situation, it's imperative for you to get your dog to the hospital as soon as possible so that your veterinarian can determine the reason for your dog being in shock and provide the appropriate care.
