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Vet Care Shows You Care

If you care for your pet, and we know you do, then it is important to also allow a veterinarian to care for them. Your vet is the one who can provide vaccines, check your pet for ongoing conditions like arthritis and parasitic infections, and recommend medications to treat fleas and ticks. Most vet are very familiar with treated dogs and cats, and many will also treat rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and other household pets. If you'd like to learn more about veterinary care, then plan on spending some time on this website. It's a good resource for any curious pet owner.



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Vet Care Shows You Care

5 Signs Your Pet Needs An Emergency Vet Now

by Elijah Romero

Just like humans, sometimes animals get sick or hurt on weekends or off-hours for most veterinarian offices. Sometimes your pet can wait till Monday, but sometimes your pet needs urgent care immediately, and that's where emergency vets come into the picture. Emergency vets are available around the clock and can help your pet when they really need it. So, how can you tell if your pet really needs emergency care and can't wait? Every circumstance is different, but here are 5 signs you shouldn't ignore.

1. Fainting 

If your pet loses consciousness, it is a pretty sure sign that something serious is wrong and that they need to get to a vet as soon as possible. Fainting could be the result of a blow to the head and a concussion, or it could indicate some other spinal or neurological problem. Fainting is also a common sign that they are not getting enough oxygen which could be because of a collapsing lung, an infection, or even heart problems. If your pet faints, you should take them to an emergency vet right away. 

2. Choking 

If your pet is coughing a lot or choking, they likely have something stuck in their throat, and they need a veterinarian's help immediately. Dogs and cats can sometimes eat foreign objects, and these can easily become lodged in their throats. Choking is an emergency and should never be ignored. Call an emergency vet right away. 

3. Bloody Stool

If your pet has blood in their stool, it can be a symptom of a serious condition like cancer or a viral infection such as parvovirus, which is life-threatening. An emergency vet will be able to diagnose your pet and give them the care that they need. 

4. Repeated Vomiting  

If your pet is vomiting repeatedly and is not able to keep anything down, it is probably time to get them into the vet. Vomiting can be a sign of food poisoning, kidney failure, an obstruction in the intestine, or a host of other causes. A pet that is vomiting repeatedly can easily become dehydrated, which is a problem in and of itself, and it is best to let an emergency vet diagnose the problem. 

5. Obvious Physical Trauma 

If your pet has obvious signs of physical trauma, such as broken bones or bleeding wounds, you should take them to the emergency vet right away. Aside from outward signs of trauma, there may be internal injuries or bleeding that could endanger your pet. Take them to the emergency vet to be safe.
