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Vet Care Shows You Care

If you care for your pet, and we know you do, then it is important to also allow a veterinarian to care for them. Your vet is the one who can provide vaccines, check your pet for ongoing conditions like arthritis and parasitic infections, and recommend medications to treat fleas and ticks. Most vet are very familiar with treated dogs and cats, and many will also treat rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and other household pets. If you'd like to learn more about veterinary care, then plan on spending some time on this website. It's a good resource for any curious pet owner.



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Vet Care Shows You Care

Signs Your Dog Is Hypothermic And What You Should Do

by Elijah Romero

If your dog is outside for too long this winter, he or she could end up suffering from hypothermia. Your dog's body temperature becomes so low that it will go into shock. It's important to limit your dog's time outside during cold weather months and be sure he has plenty of shelter from the weather if he is an outside dog. If you suspect your dog is hypothermic, there are signs to watch out for. Read on for a few of these signs and what you need to do if your dog is suffering from hypothermia.

Hypothermia Signs

If your dog is hypothermic, he'll begin to show signs. If your dog is showing any of these signs, you're going to need to get him treatment right away. Some of the signs your dog may be exhibiting includes:

  • Lethargic
  • Shallow breathing
  • Shivering
  • Cold to the touch
  • Low heart rate
  • Pale gums

Your dog may be exhibiting other signs as well. If your dog is showing these or other signs, it's important to pay attention and get him the help he needs.

What You Can Do

Be sure to write down all of the signs your dog has shown. You're also going to need to get your dog warm. Bring him inside or to a warm place and wrap your dog in warm blankets. Your dog may also have issues being able to eat or drink, but you need to get food and water into your dog's body in small quantities. If your dog's body temperature doesn't begin to go up, or he is still not acting like himself, you'll need to get your dog to the veterinarian for help. Your dog is going to need his body temperature to go up and your veterinarian will be able to provide warming blankets and other things to warm his body up. Be sure you report all of the other signs to your veterinarian as well.

If your dog is suffering from hypothermia, you need to get him treatment right away. Remember that in winter months your dog is going to need to have a place to get out from the cold, and you'll need to limit his exposure outside to the elements. If your dog is an inside dog, he isn't going to be used to the cold, so be sure you keep him on a leash to prevent him from getting loose. Take your dog to the veterinarian or an animal hospital for proper treatment.
