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Vet Care Shows You Care

If you care for your pet, and we know you do, then it is important to also allow a veterinarian to care for them. Your vet is the one who can provide vaccines, check your pet for ongoing conditions like arthritis and parasitic infections, and recommend medications to treat fleas and ticks. Most vet are very familiar with treated dogs and cats, and many will also treat rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and other household pets. If you'd like to learn more about veterinary care, then plan on spending some time on this website. It's a good resource for any curious pet owner.



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Vet Care Shows You Care

Why Your Male Dog Should Be Neutered, Even If He Lives Inside

by Elijah Romero

When you hear the advice to neuter your male dog, your first thought may be, "Why? He lives inside!" You may figure that if he's not out roaming around, he won't be able to reproduce, so there is no point in neutering him. This reasoning is not silly and seems valid on the surface, but actually, there are some very good reasons to neuter a male dog that will live indoors. Take a look.

He will be less likely to escape and roam.

Male dogs who are not neutered are a lot more likely to try to escape and roam in order to mate with female dogs. For example, your dog might jump over or crawl under a fence, or he may get away from you on a walk. While he is loose, he may not only mate with female dogs but also injure himself or others. A neutered male dog will have much less urge to break away from you and will stick around home, which is better for everyone.

He'll be able to go to dog parks and other public places.

A lot of dog parks do not allow intact male dogs to visit. Some boarding kennels won't accept them, either. If you neuter your dog, you will be better able to visit these public places and enjoy some socialization with your pet. He'll likely be more welcome at friends' houses, too.

He'll have a lower risk of certain illnesses.

When a male dog is neutered, the testicles are removed, which means his testosterone levels remain lower for the rest of his life. This change in hormone balance can actually help prevent a number of hormone-related diseases as your dog ages. His risk of perineal adenoma, a form of cancer, decreases for instance. He will also be unable to get testicular cancer, which is quite common in some breeds.

He'll be less aggressive.

Not every intact male dog is aggressive. Some are surely kind and tame. But it is hard to know when your dog is a puppy how he will act when he grows up. When you have him neutered, you are significantly decreasing the risk of aggression. This is even more important in breeds that are known to have a potential for aggression, such as German shepherds or boxers.

Neutering your male dog is the smart thing to do, even if he lives inside. Talk to your vet to learn more about neutering.
